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CanadianISP Privacy is aware of the privacy concerns of its users. This document will detail our policy for collecting and using information gained from this website. Privacy Policy Registration for our newsletter requires an email address. All other details are optional. You may remove your records from our user database at any time and receive confirmation that the data has been removed from our systems. Please note that contributions you make to the site (ISP Ratings and reviews) become the property of, which we can delete or modify as we may see fit. At any time you may communicate with CanadianISP via private email; No matter the content, your contact details and information remain confidential, unless you give explicit permission to pass it on to a third party. tracks (As do all Web Sites) the searches performed when looking for an ISP. We do not track personally identifiable information about the user performing the search, other than what all web servers track as a standard (The fact that a file was looked at, date, time, etc). We do provide search statistics from this site to third parties from time to time. This data is available to all registered ISPs at no cost within the ISP Login section. We track which cities are searched, types of services, price points, business vs residential, etc. No identifiable information about a user is tracked or included in this analytical data. Why would track this and why would an ISP want it? Say you live in a city that currently has no High Speed offerings, but 100 people a day were searching for service in that city, ISPs can use that information to roll out a broadband service in your city. This information is tracked to make sure that users all over Canada can get good, fair, and competitive Internet service. Our data is used for market and competitive analysis by ISP's across the country, which allows them to stay competitive not only in the services they offer, but in their prices, as well. This data has also been used by hardware and services vendors to better target their offerings to the general public and ISPs, helping to develop improved Internet services for all. The data has also been used by various government agencies in helping to form or adjust various policies over the years. Mailing to ISPs Mailing to users (you) Ad serving Changes Last updated: September 5th, 2015 (minor edits - + "Mailing to users" added) |
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